Ice is your friend.

ice cubes for your skin

When you have any redness or a pimple forming, ice is best. It sends the blood away from the skin and reduces the swelling. You can ice the area a few times a day and again after you wash your face in the evening. You can also do a super cold damp towel after sports to cool your face down.

Here’s the best way to ice a pimple: Dampen the area where the pimple is forming and slide the ice over it while leaning over the sink. Or, you can put a few ice cubes in a baggie with some water and apply it to the area while you are studying. To help the pimple, you can spot treat it with Clear following icing and after you cleanse in the morning and evening. But, remember to always follow Clear with a proper hydrator, like Hydrate, Hydrate Oil Free, or Protect.